How We Work


Designing the Perfect Home for You

Let us help you create a space that’s truly your own! 

The most important ingredient in your project is you! Our process is all about discovering and unveiling the very things that make you, you!

It’s our job to listen, to hear, and to understand you. 

We want to know everything: What you like, what you don’t like, what you treasure, what you disregard, your favorite places, and your dream spaces. The more we understand you, the better we can create a home that’s a perfect fit for you.

Our success comes from the heart and out of the deep connections and close relationships we have with our clients. 

There is no doubt that we love design, but what really motivates us is the experience of sharing your joy and amazement throughout the process, and especially at the final reveal.


Creating a home to fit your lifestyle

  • Growing Pains

    Welcoming a new addition to your family might have you considering an addition to your home to make more room. We know it is an amazing time in life, but it can really push the limits of your space. As you take those first steps to figure out how this is all going to work, we can support your family with tons of creative solutions that will help your home adapt to your family’s needs over time.

  • A Room of One’s Own

    Whether living alone is a new journey or a familiar landscape, you have unique needs specific to running a one-person household. Maybe you’re downsizing and would like to upgrade a smaller home, or you want to change to your existing home so it feels more like you. We specialize in listening to your needs and delivering customized solutions that will make you feel right at home.

  • Love Where You Live

    Have you outgrown your home, but still love your community, friends, and neighbors? You dread the idea of leaving the place you’ve called home only to start over in a new location … not to mention having to deal with moving! We get it. We know that changing the functionality and flow of your home can open things up so you can stay right where you are, in the place you love to live.

  • Aging in Place

    More and more homeowners want to stay in the comfort and familiarity of their own home rather than face a difficult transition to assisted living. Let us show you how we can redesign and adapt your existing home to make it fit for your future and for creating many more memories.
    Click for our guide to updating your home to fit your future!

Why work with an architect to design your new home, major home remodels, or additions?

Check out our articles for more about our architecture and interior design services and masterplanning.


“We’ll start with the two most important facts about our relationship with Studio Z.

First, we’ve used them twice.

Second, we recommended them to one of our best friends.”